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News and Views From Hal
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) and Your Individual Health Insurance
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan) is a $1.9 trillion economic...
Colorado ACA Renewals and Deadlines Shift
Friends, Here are a couple of updates I am sending out because many people have asked about them. My plan renewed by itself. Can I...

How can there be a zero-premium Medicare plan?
Updated: Feb 8, 2019 A somewhat surprising aspect of Medicare related insurance is the existence of policies that have no premium. Given...

HWIA Open for Business
Updated: Feb 18, 2019 Hal Winslow is pleased to announce the opening of his health and life insurance agency called Hal Winslow Insurance...

Bye Bye Short Term Medical in CO
Even as the Trump Administration to action to make short term major medical (STMM) plans easier to keep, the last insurance company...

Medicare and Foreign Travel
Once a good, solid Medicare solution is in place, beneficiaries rightly feel that the health insurance part of their life is handled....

Insulin Cap for Colorado
There was a lot of press surrounding the new Colorado law that caps insulin cost to consumers at $100 for each fill/refill. The idea of a...

Under 65 Individual Health Insurance Options
People who have always had employer insurance (either as employee, spouse or dependent) or governmental insurance are often surprised to...

My Doctor is Out of Network-- Now what?
In the age of narrower doctor and hospital networks, my clients often face the issue of having a favored or required doctor not be in...

HMO/EPO, but no PPO in CO
People shopping for individual health insurance for the first time are often surprised at the amount of work it takes to get insurance...

The Ten Essential Health Benefits
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added a range of patient-friendly requirements to individual health plans. (By “individual health...

Open Enrollment: What Should You Do About It?
Over the next several months you will see and hear a lot about “Open Enrollment” for various kinds of health insurance coverage....

Open Enrollment for Medicare- Choices to be made
Depending on the coverage path a Medicare recipient takes, the Medicare annual open enrollment period (AEP) period presents very...

Can You Change Medicare Supplement Plans? Should You?
Depending on the coverage path a Medicare recipient takes, the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP, October 15-December 7) presents...
Uninsured? Four Days to Get ACA Health Insurance
In light of COVID-19 and the need we all now have for access to health care, the Colorado Division of Insurance announced a special...

Colorado Extends Deadline for Uninsured to Get Covered
The state health benefit exchange-- Connect for Health Colorado (Connect)—has extended the deadline for uninsured individuals to obtain...

Health Insurance and COVID-19: Telehealth
Telehealth has long been a means to provide health care in remote areas. Lately, it has been included as a benefit in employer plans and...

Health Insurance and COVID-19: What the Insurance Companies Are Doing
Insurance companies are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by expanding access to medical resources and services required to prevent and...
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